Tuesday, September 21, 2010


This is my latest work. It was more of an experiment that turned out to be a finished artwork. 

Most of my work is very colorful and joyous, but I decided to try something new with no colors... I used charcoal and pencil for this artwork! 

[Pencil and charcoal]


I rarely work with watercolors, in fact this is the first time I use watercolors for a finished piece...
I wanted to create movement with the dancer's body and position. I stayed mostly in the warm colors except for the scarf that's in purple... 


This is a comic strip based on a story about my little sister and our cat when we were young. 

I tried to make it very cartoon-ish and with not much details, keep it simple and clear. I didn't use much words, I wanted to try telling a story only with the illustration. I did it on my own time with my own inspiration so I only enjoyed this work!

[Pencil and black marker]


This is my final animation project that I called "Rain on my Parade"...

(It's maybe better to keep it this size because when it's enlarged, the image isn't very clear...)


Our final project was anything we felt like doing!!
I wanted to create a short animation with a cute story behind it... It was a lot of work and we didn't have much time at all. At some times it was very frustrating but in the end it was the best experience!

I started by drawing a very basic storyboard:


These are some snapshots of the animation video:

And these are other snapshots of the video that I had printed out in posters:


More snapshots of the robot...
I spent most of the time on the wings, it was the hardest part.

And the posters below are part of the final presentation of the robot. I added two different backgrounds and put the robot in two different positions. I had fun playing around with the robot, unfortunately, we were supposed to have it printed in 3D, but the special printer had broken down so we were unable to...


In this same animation class, we had to create a robot.
These are some detailed pictures:


In the animation class we were asked to create a short music video using the 3d max. We had to chose 30 seconds of a song; I chose "Adagio for strings" by DJ Tiesto.

This is a snapshot that I printed out as a poster for the presentation:


At the MICA pre-college program this summer, I took 3D animation and gaming courses, as well as illustration.

This very short animation simply rotates around a 3D "alien plant" that we had to create from scratch on 3d max. It was our 1st big assignment in this class; it wasn't easy at all even if it probably seems so!

These are two huge posters we had printed out at the end of our month at MICA:

In this one, I took my alien plant and put it in an environment of my choice. I tried to make it fit as well as possible with a little help from Photoshop.

This one is just an option we have on the animation program. I just thought it was interesting because we can clearly see the distinctive layers of the object I created.

Thursday, September 16, 2010


At the MICA pre-college program this summer, I took an illustration course.

The first assignment was to illustrate a CD cover, either for an existing band or an imaginary one... I decided to invent my own and bring my lebanese cultural background into the picture. 
The difficulty here was to give this CD a true middle-eastern feel to it besides just having the title written in Arabic. I think the background design was the most important aspect to accomplish, as well as the colors. The woman with the microphone had to fit into the spirit of this CD, so I studied her clothes very carefully.

This is one of my favorite works because I feel I was able to respect the assignment and make it my own at the same time. My illustration teacher loved this one! Posted by Picasa

[Pencil and colored pencils]


Another assignment in the illustration class was to design a poster for a horror festival.

With this assignment, I wanted my horror festival poster to be original by giving it some humor... I used simple colors and simple cartoon drawing techniques so I could mostly work on the originality of this piece.

Posted by Picasa[Colored pencils]

Peter Pan

One of my illustration projects was to use a famous book character and make it our own. I chose Peter Pan. As you all may know he stays young forever: so to make it my own, I made this character old but without changing his significant characteristics so he could be recognized: he still flies and has the same outfit(just a little small on him haha) 

I had lots of fun making this work, it was an interesting assignment! 


Based on an article we had to read, we were asked to illustrate the "rollergirls" just as they were described. I decided to concentrate more on these girls' attitude rather than anything else.

[Colored pencils and markers]


This was another assignment at MICA: "I was never so sick as the time..." so I completed the sentence with "...I ate so many cupcakes".

Here, I wanted to work large and with no details. It was fun drawing this because I wanted to exaggerate the colors and give it a cartoonish aspect to make it as fun as possible. At the same time, I wanted the audience to feel full and nauscious when they look at this drawing.

[Oil pastels and colored pencils]
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While cleaning up my room one day, I found a lot of papers and cut-out pictures I had kept around my room. There were all kinds of things such as an old musical pamphlet, cinema tickets, a best friend's letter, little sister's drawing, clothes tags, my favorite quotes, and even cut-out dress material. I decided to create a collage using all these different elements to create a fun poster!

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Last summer, I worked on this piece right before school started. 
It now hangs in my room!

[Oil pastels]
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This character is a little bit me... 
The day I drew this, I just let myself go with what I was feeling, that's why I interprete this drawing like the portrait of what I was feeling inside. I wanted to catch the emotion in the character's face and give her body a simple look.
I used colored pencils to complete it just to make it simple and fragile.
Posted by Picasa[Pencil and colored pencils]


These were part of the "still life drawing" assignment we had to do in the figure drawing class as well.


As part of this assignment, we were required to stay simple and only catch the real forms of these objects. 
I love adding details to very simple elements and to study them more profoundly, as I did on this sewing machine.


This still life assignment was a bit different, it was the first time I had to study the shadows of the objects so carefully. Very different elements with very different forms were put on the table, so making them look as real as possible was another goal of this assignment.


In the same figure drawing class, we were asked to draw skeletons to learn more about the human anatomy.
The first drawing was mostly to study specific elements on the skeleton such as the hand, the foot, the skull and the ribs area. And so then we could draw the second skeleton as a whole, with details.
It is very interesting and useful to study skeletons; however, it is one of the hardest figures to make realistic.
Posted by Picasa[Pencil] 


In the fall of 2008, I took figure drawing classes at the Corcoran College of Art in Washington DC.

It was my first experience drawing figures. I spent most of my time studying the body (more than on her face) and trying to get it right . Some say it has a picasso aspect in the way the shapes of her body were drawn... haha!



This figure of a man was probably the most interesting figure to draw in my experience in this class. Even though the position is quite simple, it has interesting forms (such as the "love handles" etc..).

I used pencil for this figure to catch more detail and keep it clean and simple.


I liked the position of this figure, and spent time trying to catch it. In my drawing, I chose to add muscles to  the model's body as well as more character to its face...



These are some of my oldest drawings (2008). I wanted to play around with the women's fashion of the past in different cultures. 
[Thin colored markers] 
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